Differentiate Your Shop's Marketing With Paper & Plastic Products
PostcardsClick for details
Plastic PostcardsClick for details
Magnet PostcardsClick for details
Scratch-Off PostcardsClick for details
BrochuresClick for details
LettersClick for details
New HomeownersClick for details
ApparelClick for details
Choose Your Size:
- Oversized - 5.5″ × 10.5″
- Jumbo - 8.5″ × 10.5″
- Colossal - 10.5″ × 14″
Product Specifications
5.5″ × 10.5″
- 9 pt. cover paper
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Free design with unlimited revisions
8.5″ × 10.5″
- 9 pt. cover paper
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Free design with unlimited revisions
10.5″ × 14″
- 9 pt. cover paper
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Free design with unlimited revisions

General Auto Postcards
Direct mail postcard marketing is proven to increase revenue and car count for auto repair shops. Our team of auto repair direct mail marketing experts makes postcard marketing more effortless than ever. We do everything for you: strategizing, designing, printing, and mailing your auto repair shops direct mail postcards so you can focus on running your business.
With three different-sized direct mail postcards to choose from, we have a solution for every project. One of our expert auto repair direct mail marketers will help you select the perfect size postcard to deliver your message with the highest impact.
We also provide the highest quality postcard printing services. If you need high-quality postcards to distribute on your own or high-quality postcards to deliver to the post office yourself using the USPS EDDM Retail program, we have you covered. All three of our direct mail postcard options meet the criteria for EDDM Retail, and our team of direct mail experts can even help you with the necessary EDDM Retail paperwork and bundling.
Sizes Available
Oversized Postcards (5.5″ × 10.5″)
Jumbo Postcards (8.5″ × 10.5″)
Colossal Postcards (10.5″ × 14″)
Choose Your Size:
- Small - 4″ × 5.2″ ×
- Medium - 4.5″ × 7″ ×
- Large - 5.5″ × 10.5″ ×
Product Specifications
4″ × 5.2″
- Perforated punch-out cards
- Glossy plastic finish
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Free design with unlimited revisions
4.5″ × 7″
- Perforated punch-out cards
- Glossy plastic finish
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Free design with unlimited revisions
5.5″ × 10.5″
- Perforated punch-out cards
- Glossy plastic finish
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Free design with unlimited revisions

General Auto Plastic Postcards
Plastic postcards are the thickest, glossiest, highest quality, and most durable direct mail marketing product available. If you want the best quality direct mail piece to represent your quality brand, then plastic postcards are the best solution for your shop.
Plastic postcards will differentiate your auto repair shop’s marketing from your competitors. Because plastic postcards are such a unique niche product, your competitors are unlikely to use them. This allows your shop to differentiate your marketing and catch your prospective customer’s attention while representing your brand with the highest quality.
Our line of plastic postcards offers three different-sized options, multiple pop-out gift card configurations, and multiple options for pop-out key tags.
Sizes Available
Small Plastic Postcards (4″ × 5.2″ ×)
Medium Plastic Postcards (4.5″ × 7″ ×)
Large Plastic Postcards (5.5″ × 10.5″ ×)
Choose Your Size:
- Magnet - 4.5″ × 10.5″
- Folded - 5.5″ × 21″
Product Specifications
4.5″ × 10.5″
- 1.4″ × 3.5″ magnet affixed to back
- 9 pt. cover paper
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Free design with unlimited revisions
5.5″ × 21″
- Finished dimensions: 5.5″ × 10.5″
- 1.4″ × 3.5″ magnet affixed to back
- 9 pt. cover paper
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Free design with unlimited revisions

General Auto Magnets
Differentiate your auto repair shop’s direct mail marketing from your competitors with unique and highly effective postcard magnets. When your auto repair shop’s prospective customers receive your postcard magnets, they will intuitively put them on their refrigerator. Postcard magnets are so effective that the DMA (Direct Marketing Association) reported that when a postcard has a magnet attached to it, it is read 52% more often than a postcard without a magnet, and by adding a magnet to a postcard, you can increase response rates by as much as 73%+.
To make your postcard magnet marketing even stronger, leverage the time of year and your local market knowledge to get your auto repair shop’s prospective customers to hang on to your postcard magnet marketing even longer.
For example, in addition to valuable coupons or special offers, we recommend incorporating strategic content such as high school, local, or national sports teams’ schedules. We also recommend calendars, emergency contact info, helpful tips, kitchen measurements, or any other content you think your auto repair shop’s targeted prospects will find valuable enough to hold on to.
Sizes Available
Magnet Magnet Postcards (4.5″ × 10.5″)
Folded Magnet Postcards (5.5″ × 21″)
Choose Your Size:
- Oversized - 10.5″ × 5.5″
- Jumbo - 8.5″ × 10.5″
Product Specifications
10.5″ × 5.5″
- 2″ × 1″ scratch-off sticker
- 9 pt. cover paper
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Free design with unlimited revisions
8.5″ × 10.5″
- 2″ × 1″ scratch-off sticker
- 9 pt. cover paper
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Free design with unlimited revisions

General Auto Scratch Off
Our goal for direct mail marketing is to differentiate your business and capture your prospects’ attention as they sort through their mail. This is precisely what our interactive scratch-off postcards accomplish.
Our scratch-off postcards take a traditional postcard and feature an exciting 2”x 1” scratch-off sticker. Underneath the scratch-off sticker is a variable printed message. What that means is that you control the exact message on every single postcard. This gives you the ultimate flexibility to create the perfect message and exact type of marketing campaign that is best for your business. Our scratch-off postcards generate excitement and get your prospects to interact and engage with your marketing. Who doesn’t want to scratch to win savings, prizes, etc.?
There are endless ideas and possibilities to create exciting marketing campaigns around your scratch-off sticker. In addition, you have the entire back side of the postcard to add additional content, offers, specials, etc., making our scratch-off postcards even more appealing to prospective customers.
Sizes Available
Oversized Scratch-Off Postcards (10.5″ × 5.5″)
Jumbo Scratch-Off Postcards (8.5″ × 10.5″)
Choose Your Size:
- Small - 8.5″ × 10.5″
- Standard - 10.5″ × 17″
Product Specifications
8.5″ × 10.5″
- 80# text glossy text paper
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Free design with unlimited revisions
10.5″ × 17″
- 80# text glossy text paper
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Free design with unlimited revisions

General Auto Brochures
Direct Mail Brochures are an excellent choice for the home services company that needs a lot of space to promote their services and products. The key to selecting the proper size brochure for your home services business is choosing a size with enough room for your content while having enough space to ensure all your content, images, etc., are highly legible.
Although you may be able to fit your marketing content on a smaller 8.5″ × 10.5″ brochure, it may be a much better choice to select a larger size brochure such as a 10.5″ × 17″ for example. A larger brochure provides much more room to space out your content. This also allows you to increase font sizes and images, providing a higher legibility. You must always remember if something is hard to read and not able to be easily scanned, your prospective customers won’t read it.
If you aren’t sure which size brochure is the best for your home services business, don’t worry. One of our direct mail marketing experts will help you select the perfect size brochure.
Sizes Available
Small Brochures (8.5″ × 10.5″)
Standard Brochures (10.5″ × 17″)
Choose Your Size:
- Standard - 8.5″ × 11″
- Large - 8.5″ × 14″
Product Specifications
8.5″ × 11
- Letter: Full color 4/0 (single-sided) or 4/4 (double-sided), 24#, opaque
- Envelopes: White 4/0, 24#, woven, #10 (available with or without window)
- Free design with unlimited revisions
8.5″ × 14″
- Letter: Full color 4/0 (single-sided) or 4/4 (double-sided), 24#, opaque
- Envelopes: White 4/0, 24#, woven, #10 (available with or without window)
- Free design with unlimited revisions

General Auto Letters
Direct mail letter marketing can be highly effective for your auto repair shop. One of the most popular ways auto repair shops use our direct mail letter mailings is to send rebate checks to their current customer base as a retention direct mail marketing strategy.
Regardless of your strategy for your shop’s direct mail letter marketing, all our direct mail letters and envelopes are printed in full color to ensure your shop’s marketing pops with color and represents your brand.
Sizes Available
Standard Letters (8.5″ × 11″)
Large Letters (8.5″ × 14″)
Choose Your Size:
- Paper - 5.75″ × 8.625″
- Plastic - 4″ × 5.2″
Product Specifications
5.75″ × 8.625″
- No minimums
- No cancellation fees
- Free design with unlimited revisions
4″ × 5.2″
- No minimums
- No cancellation fees
- Free design with unlimited revisions
New Homeowner Marketing
*Approximately 40 million Americans move each year. The new movers that have recently moved into your market, have not likely established a relationship with a local automotive shop. Our New Mover direct mail marketing is the perfect solution to target and attract them to your shop before they go to your competition.

General Auto New Homeowners
Every year, your business is losing loyal customers simply from them moving out of your area. The best way to recapture that business is to target the new customers moving into your area with a direct mail postcard.
Sizes Available
Paper New Homeowners (5.75″ × 8.625″)
Plastic New Homeowners (4″ × 5.2″)