Differentiate Your Marketing with Paper & Plastic Products

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PostcardsClick for details
Plastic PostcardsClick for details
Magnet PostcardsClick for details
Scratch OffsClick for details
BrochuresClick for details
FlyersClick for details
LettersClick for details
Door HangersClick for details
New HomeownersClick for details
ApparelClick for details
Choose Your Size:
- Oversized - 5.5″ × 10.5″
- Jumbo - 8.5″ × 10.5″
- Colossal - 10.5″ × 14″
Product Specifications
5.5″ × 10.5″
- 9 pt. cover paper
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Free design with unlimited revisions
8.5″ × 10.5″
- 9 pt. cover paper
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Free design with unlimited revisions
10.5″ × 14″
- 9 pt. cover paper
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Free design with unlimited revisions

Home Services Postcards
Suppose you’re looking for an effective and cost-effective direct mail marketing product to help you acquire and retain more customers for your home services business. In that case, postcards may be the perfect solution. Whether you provide HVAC, Plumbing, Lawn Care, Pest Control, Remodeling, or any other home services business, direct mail postcards are highly effective as both new customer acquisition mailings and customer retention mailings.
Because there is no one-size-fits-all home services postcard strategy, we have three different-size postcards for you to choose from, ensuring your direct mail marketing is delivered with the highest impact. One of our expert home services direct mail marketing consultants will help you select the correct size postcard for your home services marketing campaign.
Our team will design, print, and mail your home services direct mail postcard marketing, providing a quick, easy, and affordable one-stop direct mail marketing solution for your home services business.
If you are looking at a do-it-yourself direct mail solution using the post office’s Every Door Direct Mail® (EDDM®), all three of our postcards meet the Every Door Direct Mail® (EDDM®) criteria. We can provide high-quality postcard printing, Every Door Direct Mail Retail paperwork, and bundling services.
Sizes Available
Oversized Postcards (5.5″ × 10.5″)
Jumbo Postcards (8.5″ × 10.5″)
Colossal Postcards (10.5″ × 14″)
Choose Your Size:
- Small - 4″ × 5.2″
- Medium - 4.5″ × 7″
- Large - 5.5″ × 10.5″
Product Specifications
4″ × 5.2″
- Glossy plastic finish
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Perforated punch-out cards
- Free design with unlimited revisions
4.5″ × 7″
- Glossy plastic finish
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Perforated punch-out cards
- Free design with unlimited revisions
5.5″ × 10.5″
- Glossy plastic finish
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Perforated punch-out cards
- Free design with unlimited revisions

Home Services Plastic Postcards
Quality is usually the number one factor influencing consumers when deciding on a home services company to use. Based on our consumer research report within the HVAC, Plumbing, & Electrical Home Services Category entitled “Cracking The Code,” quality is the top influencing factor when selecting a home services provider for HVAC, Plumbing, & Electrical companies.
Therefore, it is critical that your marketing conveys your services and brand as one of the highest quality. This is where plastic postcards win hands down; our plastic postcards are about the thickness of a credit card, providing the highest quality, thickest, glossiest, and most durable direct mail marketing piece available.
It’s also likely that most of your prospective customers have never even received a plastic postcard like ours. Plastic postcards cut through the clutter of everything else in the mailbox and truly differentiate your business from the competition. We have three different-sized plastic postcards with multiple different coupons, gift cards, and key tag pop-out offers to choose from. Whether you are looking to acquire new customers with a new customer acquisition mailer or retain customers with a retention marketing strategy, our Home Services direct mail experts will help guide you to the plastic postcard size that will work best for your home service business’s budget and marketing message.
Sizes Available
Small Plastic Postcards (4″ × 5.2″)
Medium Plastic Postcards (4.5″ × 7″)
Large Plastic Postcards (5.5″ × 10.5″)
Choose Your Size:
- Original - 4.5″ × 10.5″
- Folded - 5.5″ × 21″
Product Specifications
4.5″ × 10.5″
- 1.4″ × 3.5″ magnet affixed to back
- 9 pt. cover paper
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Free design with unlimited revisions
5.5″ × 21″
Finished Dimensions: 5.5″ × 10.5″
1.4″ × 3.5″ magnet affixed to back
9 pt. cover paper
Full color 4/4, double-sided
Free design with unlimited revisions

Home Services Magnet
Your home services business must be top of mind when prospective customers require your service. Postcard magnets are one of the most effective direct mail marketing tools to accomplish this. Customers intuitively put postcard magnets on their refrigerators, giving your brand maximum exposure and a long shelf life. In addition, postcard magnets differentiate your marketing from your competitors.
To that point, the Direct Marketing Association reported that a postcard with a magnet attached is read 52% more often than a postcard without a magnet. Further, adding a magnet to your postcards can increase response rates by as much as 73%+. Get creative with your marketing by leveraging your knowledge of the local market and the time of year to make your postcard magnet marketing even stronger and maximize your ROI.
For example, in addition to providing value offers, specials, or coupons, you can incorporate strategic content such as national, local, or regional sports teams’ schedules, calendars, helpful tips, and kitchen measurements. Or any other valuable content you feel your home services businesses’ prospective customers will find beneficial enough to hold on to.
Sizes Available
Original Magnet Postcards (4.5″ × 10.5″)
Folded Magnet Postcards (5.5″ × 21″)
Choose Your Size:
- Oversized - 5.5″ × 10.5″
Product Specifications
5.5″ × 10.5″
- 2″ x 1″ scratch-off sticker
- 9 pt. cover paper
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Free design with unlimited revisions

Home Services Scratch Off
Our Scratch-Off Postcards take a traditional postcard and adds excitement by including a 2” x 1” scratch-off sticker on one side of the postcard.
Consumers love scratching for the chance to win things, hence the popularity of scratch-off lottery tickets. Our scratch-off postcards are the same, thus making them effective because consumers must read and engage with your marketing to see what is underneath the scratch-off.
You can make a significant impact by strategically using a scratch-off within an exciting marketing campaign with a great offer or something free underneath the scratch-off while maximizing your direct mail marketing response rate and ROI.
There are many ways to create exciting marketing campaigns around your scratch-off sticker. In addition, you have the entire back side of the postcard to add additional content, offers, specials, etc., making our scratch-off postcards even more appealing to prospective customers.
One of our expert home services direct mail experts will help you strategize and select the best size scratch-off postcard for your marketing.
Size Available
Oversized Scratch Offs (5.5″ × 10.5″)
Choose Your Size:
- Small - 8.5″ × 10.5″
- Standard - 10.5″ × 17″
- XL - 10.5″ × 21.5″
Product Specifications
8.5″ × 10.5″
- 80# text glossy text paper
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Free design with unlimited revisions
10.5″ × 17″
- 80# text glossy text paper
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Free design with unlimited revisions
10.5″ × 21.5″
- 80# text glossy text paper
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Free design with unlimited revisions

Home Services Brochures
Direct Mail Brochures are an excellent choice for the home services company that needs a lot of space to promote their services and products. The key in selecting the proper size brochure for your home services business is to select a size that doesn’t just have enough space that your content fits but allows you enough space to ensure all your content, images, etc., is highly legible.
Although you may be able to fit your marketing content on a smaller 8.5″ × 10.5″ brochure, it may be a much better choice to select a larger size brochure such as a 10.5″ × 17″ for example. A larger brochure provides:
More room to space out your content.
Increasing font sizes and images.
Providing a higher degree of legibility.
You must always remember if something is hard to read and not able to be easily scanned, your prospective customers won’t read it.
If you aren’t sure which size brochure is the best for your home services business, don’t worry. One of our direct mail marketing experts will help you select the perfect size brochure.
Sizes Available
Small Brochures (8.5″ × 10.5″)
Standard Brochures (10.5″ × 17″)
XL Brochures (10.5″ × 21.5″)
Choose Your Size:
- XS - 4″ × 10.5″
Product Specifications
4″ × 10.5″
- 80# text glossy text paper
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Free design with unlimited revisions

Home Services Flyers
Direct Mail Flyers are a great choice for the home services company that needs a lot of space to promote their services and products.
Size Available
XS Flyers (4″ × 10.5″)
Choose Your Size:
- Letters - 8.5″ × 11″
- Letters - 8.5″ × 14″
Product Specifications
8.5″ × 11″
- Letter: Full color 4/0 (single-sided) or 4/4 (double-sided), 24#, opaque
- Envelopes: White 4/0, 24#, woven, #10 (available with or without window)
- Looking for 60# paper? Good news! The only difference between 24# and 60# paper is in the way they’re manufactured. Their look, feel, and thickness is virtually indistinguishable.
- Free design with unlimited revisions
8.5″ × 14″
- Letter: Full color 4/0 (single-sided) or 4/4 (double-sided), 24#, opaque
- Envelopes: White 4/0, 24#, woven, #10 (available with or without window)
- Looking for 60# paper? Good news! The only difference between 24# and 60# paper is in the way they’re manufactured. Their look, feel, and thickness is virtually indistinguishable.
- Free design with unlimited revisions

Home Services Letters
Our direct mail letter marketing provides many options. This includes variable print on the envelope and your letters, the ability to print full color on the envelope and full-color letter/s, envelopes with and without a window, and multiple page options with single-sided and double-sided printing.
Sizes Available
Letters Letters (8.5″ × 11″)
Letters Letters (8.5″ × 14″)
Choose Your Size:
- Door Hangers - 4.5″ × 10.5″
Product Specifications
4.5″ × 10.5″
- 9 pt. cover paper
- Full color 4/4, double-sided
- Half-moon die cut
- Free design with unlimited revisions

Home Services Door Hanger
If your Home Services Business is in an area where homes are close to each other, then Door Hangers are an excellent option for your Home Services marketing. Door hangers are incredibly cost-effective, and our Home Services marketing experts will help you design a door hanger that represents your quality brand with the highest impact.
Size Available
Standard (4.5″ × 10.5″)
Choose Your Size:
- Paper - 5.75″ × 8.625″
- Plastic - 4″ × 5.2″
Product Specifications
5.75″ × 8.625″
- Full Color 4/4, double-sided
- 9 pt. Cover paper
- Free design with unlimited revisions
4″ × 5.2″
- Full Color 4/4, double-sided
- Thickness: 30 mils (about as thick as a credit card)
- Perforated punch-out cards
- Free design with unlimited revisions
New Homeowners Marketing
*Approximately 40 million Americans move each year. The new movers that have recently moved into your market have not likely established a relationship with a company offering your home services. Our New Mover direct mail marketing is the perfect solution to target and attract them to your business before they go to your competition.

Home Services New Homeowners
Your business loses loyal customers every year because they move out of the area. Our new mover program is one of the best ways to help your business acquire new customers and recapture that lost revenue. We target new prospective customers who have just moved into your trade area with a high-quality paper or plastic postcard.
New residents are the best prospects to target because they have yet to establish relationships with companies that provide your home services, whether HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Landscaping, Power Washing, Cleaning, Remodeling, or any other home service.
You can pick and choose the exact areas to target these new movers, and there are no minimums, no long-term contracts, or no cancellation fees. This makes our new mover program a no-brainer for your home services business.
Sizes Available
Paper New Homeowners (5.75″ × 8.625″)
Plastic New Homeowners (4″ × 5.2″)