Where Are Most Vehicles Being Serviced For Maintenance & Repairs?
Independently owned shops are still the number one choice for most U.S. drivers. Based on findings from our latest consumer research & insight report “Cracking The Code”, slightly more than one in every three drivers surveyed (38%) have had their vehicles last serviced by an independently owned repair shop.
Where Have You Last Had Maintenance Or Repairs Completed On Any Of Your Vehicles?
Digging a bit deeper into the age, income and gender demographics of survey respondents who report taking their vehicles to independent auto repair shops, doesn’t show any glaring outliers nationally.
However, working with auto repair shops over the years, we do typically see income as an outlier regionally. In addition, we see proximity to shop location as a much clearer outlier for customers selecting their auto repair shop of choice. There is always a specific distance, where shops see a significant drop off from being able to acquire many customers.
As with many service-related businesses, customers are simply looking for a location that is conveniently located to them. Therefore, it was no surprise when asked we asked 8,274 drivers.
When selecting the auto repair shops you have taken your vehicle to in the past, what influenced you the most?
Select the top three choices: That the top third most important factor (42%) of those surveyed selected “Location” as what influenced them most in selecting their auto repair shop.
We Recommend
To get a quick and accurate picture to help identify any demographic and distance outliers for your specific shop, you can request that your marketing partner provide you with a “penetration report.” A penetration report simply appends your customers down to the postal carrier route level. A carrier route is simply a further breakdown of a zip code and the route your postal carrier takes each day to deliver the mail.
Carrier route data not only gives you the ability to append median or average incomes, age, etc. to the neighborhoods your customers are coming from, it will also tell you how far these areas are from your shop. This will provide the much-needed insight to make educated and strategic decisions regarding what areas you may or may not want to farm for more customers.
Download Cracking the Code Automotive To Learn More About Your Shop’s Customers
& Access Mail Shark’s Latest Consumer Research And Insights Report.
What Else You’ll Learn:
- What Google rating can hurt your shop?
- How often do your customers want to hear from you?
- Do customers want their vehicles sanitized?
- How much can drivers afford for repairs?
- Do drivers trust auto repair shops?
- How to build trust with customers?
- Who uses coupons?
- & Much More!