HVAC Companies: Rethink Your Special Offers

Special offers and coupons are designed to attract new customers to your HVAC company. This this might sound obvious, but crafting the right offers that truly engage potential clients isn’t as straightforward. Many HVAC business owners and marketing managers struggle with identifying which offers will most effectively encourage their target audience to take action and contact them.

Before we delve into practical strategies to overcome this challenge, you might be wondering, “Why should I even bother with coupons or special offers?”
The answer is simple. According to our latest consumer market research report, “Cracking The Code” a remarkable 76% of homeowners we surveyed said they would use a coupon for a home service provider. For a more comprehensive look at the findings and other valuable insights, be sure to download the full “Cracking The Code” report.
Now, let’s explore two straightforward tips that will help you develop a strategic and, most importantly, effective coupon or special offer strategy.

Tip 1: Create Offers That Are Easy for Every Homeowner to Understand 
Many HVAC company owners and managers fail to recognize that most homeowners are not familiar with the technical aspects of HVAC systems. In fact, 50% of homeowners we surveyed aren’t even sure what services HVAC companies do. You can find the full details of our survey by downloading “Cracking The Code”
Therefore, it is crucial to avoid using technical jargon and instead create offers that are simple and easy to understand. To illustrate this, I conducted a simple Google search using the term “HVAC Coupons” and found numerous examples of offers that miss the mark—coupons that are too complicated or technical for the average homeowner to comprehend and, consequently, will likely go unused. Here are just a few examples that demonstrate this issue.

New HVAC System Example Offers: 

**A quick disclaimer about the offers mentioned: These examples were taken directly from the internet. We have blurred out the company logos and details, as our goal is not to single out any specific business. First and foremost, I always recommend a new heating HVAC system offer. Why would you not want to go after the biggest ticket item. The problem is most homeowners don’t know much about their actual systems, what they have, what they need, etc. With that in mind, I found several examples that I feel miss the mark.
Example Offer 1: 
To be completely honest, I had to Google “what does a heat pump do” to gain a clear understanding of its function. It’s safe to assume that most homeowners are equally unaware of what a heat pump does or when they might need a new one, often realizing only after a system breakdown or during a service call. Example Offer 2: 

This coupon falls short for several reasons. First, there’s no header or additional text explaining what the offer actually entails.
Even though this offer is on an HVAC company’s website—where a potential customer will assume it’s related to heating or cooling—I can almost guarantee that the average homeowner doesn’t know what a 4-ton or 3.5-ton system is, let alone what size system they currently have.


Example Offer 3: 


This coupon misses the mark for a few reasons. First, I’m quite certain that most homeowners don’t know what “SEER” stands for, so mentioning it like this won’t make sense to them. Additionally, the phrase “A/C Heating System” is confusing; I believe it’s meant to say “A/C OR Heating System,” but as it stands, it could easily lead to misunderstandings.
To steer clear of these and similar pitfalls, follow these two simple guidelines:

  1.  Eliminate all technical jargon.
  2.  Have someone outside the industry review the offer to ensure it’s easily understood.

Tip 2: Develop a Range of Offers to Attract All Homeowners 

To maximize redemption rates, it’s essential to create a variety of offers that cater to different homeowner needs.
For example, instead of focusing solely on a “New Heating or Cooling System” special, which only appeals to those looking for a complete replacement, consider offering a range of options that cater to different homeowner needs.
One approach is to include a coupon that provides a discount on any service, such as a “Save on Any Service” coupon. This type of offer is broadly appealing because homeowners know they will save money regardless of the service required.

Another effective offer is a “Heating or Cooling Tune-Up” special. This will attract homeowners interested in maintaining their systems or those who suspect their system isn’t performing optimally. It also provides an excellent opportunity to build a relationship with potential customers.
Once you have established these three core offers, consider adding more targeted promotions, such as discounts on duct cleaning, indoor air quality services, or any other specific services you want to emphasize.