Mail Shark

Why Your Pizza Business Should Be Thinking on Top of the Box

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The pizza business is growing on a regular basis — about three percent each year — and your pizza shop needs to keep up with the growth… or, better yet, exceed average sales projections. In order to boost your sales of savory slices, you must maximize your available real estate. No, not the real estate of your restaurant: the real estate on your pizza carryout boxes.

Pizza carryout boxes are unique because they provide you with an unbelievable opportunity to sell more pizza in the future to current customers. However, too many pizzas are sent out with a generic message or logo on the pizza box. This is a missed chance at revenue.

Instead of delivering pizza boxes void of sales materials, you should consider adding box toppers for pizza business improvement.

Why Pizza Shop Box Toppers Work

You’ve probably seen pizza shop box toppers before. They are the marketing materials attached to the top of the pizza box. With a slight tug from your patrons, the pizza box toppers can be removed and held for discounts or specials on later orders.

Box toppers help you advertise your business, and provide you with a vehicle to capture the interest of your patrons. People who have already ordered from your pizza restaurant once are more likely to order from you again. So, it’s imperative that you give them an incentive to pick up the phone, visit your shop or order online sooner rather than later.

Styles of Pizza Shop Box Toppers

When pizza shop owners work with Mail Shark, they usually start by developing their preferred type of box topper. Box toppers can be as simple as leafs of high-quality paper printed with advertisements. They can also be magnets or even full menus. However, all pizza shop box toppers need to have a call to action. This ensures that people are driven to buy more pizza from the same restaurant, rather than go elsewhere.

Some of the box topper calls to action that work for pizza shops include:

Now that you know why you should use pizza box toppers for your pizza shop, it’s time to fill out a contact form and discuss your revenue goals with us. It can only serve to increase your revenue and get you closer to your shop’s objectives.

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